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Who Am I As A Senior High School Student?

Hi! My name is Daniella Joy Tagle, and I'm a senior high student at Baliuag University and a HUMSS student. Let me just tell you that being a student in today's society is not always easy.

It's fun and full of great experiences yet full of challenges, wherein you have to sacrifice your own health just to pass. Adults often tell us that we don't know what stress is and to just wait until we grow up. But we as teenage students have our own level of stress. For instance, all school activities require you to uphold your grade point average to high standards, along with the expectations that you dedicate any extra time to it day and night.

Being a student means many things like having the ability to overcome the typical obstacles a student encounter, the ability to deal with terror teachers, the ability to do well to graduate, and many more. I strongly believe that if you can overcome these hardships then you will be a dominant student and might as well be a professional in the near future.

One main thing that defines a student is if they struggle in school. Many students have problems when it comes to paying attention in class. (Making chitchat with your seatmate while your professor is discussing the lesson is really fun yet dangerous). Many students including me in the old days wait until the last minute to do the assignments that are being presented to them. (Procrastination at its finest). This cause the student to rush through his or her work and come up short of his or her true potential but sometimes procrastinating has a good effect on students like me, like I am able to think fast and make up a brilliant idea for my assignments or projects. Cool isn't?

My favorite subjects include English, Math and Creative Writing. Most of my friends can argue that I am good in "things about writing". While those who used to oppose my doing live their life into a fixed mindset: "She wasn't good enough" or "She's just nothing but a trying hard speck of dust.". But I don't mind them, though I sometimes think they are just telling the truth.HUMSS stands for "Humanities and Social Sciences" shocking isn't? I am proud to say that I am a HUMSS student.


Some people say that when you take our strand, you don't have any plans in becoming successful in life, or maybe we just took this strand because it doesn't really have any calculus or math as a major subject. Those are all misconceptions! We do have our Math subject and I'm telling you it is not easy and it will never be! We don't have any pre cal or calculus in our Math but man I'm telling you, our lessons in Math requires a lot of patience and critical thinking.. but I'm sure we will get through this altogether.

This is the school year wherein I started to appreciate and love the pressure that life threw at me. If you asked me to choose between be given tons of school works or be given nothing to do, I'll choose the pressure tho I procrastinate most of the time. Haha! One last thing that I would never forget being a senior high and HUMSS student are the new people who teaches me to build a new 'better' version of myself and they never let me down. Friends, colleagues, teachers, janitors, guards, and all of the staff of our University I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all! I could not do it personally but God knows how grateful I am to have you all in my life in this school year. I hope we'll stay keep in touch even though some of us would have transferred to another school or I would have to transferred in other school. I love you all! This school year was a blast! <3

One of the best we ever had! Literature xx Media in Information Literacy teacher!

I love you both even if we fight a lot than we bond.

These two people made my school year extra fun and unforgettable. Thanks for the friendship. xoxo.

MIL groupmates. Y'all are amazing guys!!

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10 months have passed and we are here at the end but we, humss one don’t believe in endings because endings are just new beginnings.  My journey as a grade 11 Humss student is the best for me because in here I felt that I am in a family that is everyone accepts my flaws and all. Although its stressful I am happy, it is worth the stress because in the end you will get what is more than you deserve. This year I have experienced to be in the honor roll and it is so new to me because before I was just a student who doesn’t do well in class, I was surprised. Being in Humss class was quite because in this class because they are all striving hard so I was pressured at first. But a time goes by I learned how to go with the flow. It was just a short time of knowing each other but in that short time, i can say it is the best. In this blog I just want to share my appreciation for my family and the reason why this journey became the best. Humss one is the family that I will never ever forget
My journey on being a Grade 11 was very unforgettable, i learned a lot not just in my surroundings but also new things about myself. At first it was very awkward being with HUMSS 1 but when things and time passed, our classmates and I started to warm up to each other and started to get along.   Every day was inspiring, there were times that we argued with each other but at the end of the day we all made up. I made friends and i also made enemies, you won't be able to avoid that anyway lol. I'm the kind of person that's very approachable, openminded, respectful, funny, moody and etc that's how my classmates see me in our room. I made a lot of friends in our room but i'm only close with some. HUMSS 1 will always be a part of me, i love being with them because being with them, i don't have to pretend to be someone else and I definitely won't forget my journey on being a Grade 11 in Baliuag University. -Dana Coronel Humss 1
Entering Senior high school is indeed a life-changing and a new beginning of another chapter. For me, it is really a new beginning because I came from Tondo, Manila and Baliuag is new to me. I am still in the process of adjusting myself to the place when the school year started. And guess what? The school and my classmates helped and played a big role in the new chaampter of my life. As time passed by, I became familiar with the place same as with the people and funny thing is I already got their accent. Funny yet interesting because I never thought of having the familiarity and the feeling of belongingness in this place. And im also working to have that "Belongingness feels" from the people I want to be with . Senior High School life may be stressful but without these experiences we will not be able to bring the best out of us and explore and know ourselves more. Because SHS Life taught us not just to enhance our potential but to unite with ourselves inorder for us to easily